2002年09月06日 15:24 《我5岁我的英文比你行》
Dear Donald, Congratulations! We’ve heard about your wonderful accomplishments in studying English. This is terrific! You are a true gift to your parents, all the children that learn English, and to us, the authors of Yo-Yo & Na-Na. It’s simply amazi ng how much you were able to achieve within this short period of time. You are t ruly exceptional, but also blessed to have parents who show so much understandin g, creativity, patience, and love. The way you describe how you played Yo-Yo and your mother played Na-Na, is very touching and amusing. As the authors and creators of Yo-Yo & Na-Na, we had a few major goals in mind w hen we wrote the series. We wanted to get children to love English from the star t rather than fear it. Therefore, we decided to introduce and emphasize simple l anguage that is useful in daily-life. This useful, daily life English would enco urage children to USE the language and enable them to learn it more naturally ra ther than just learn and memorize it. You’ve done just that! We’ve heard about the success of other children studyin g this series over the past ten years. But you, Donald, are the ultimate dream c ome true to us. You’re the uncrowned king of English. We’re so proud of you. With your achievements so far, you will bring so much encouragement, joy and sat isfaction to other teachers, students, and parents. You and your parents have pr oven that the process of learning English as a second language is not necessaril y a painful one but an interactive, playful one. We would like to declare you and your family the Ambassadors of English Studies. We truly hope many others will be inspired by your incredible success and learn from your experience. Thank you so much for sharing with us your wonderful stor y. Sincerely, Beat and Catherine 亲爱的多多 恭喜你﹗我们听说了你学习英语的奇妙成果,真是太棒了﹗你实在是你的父母、所有学习英语的孩子们和我们Yo-Yo & Na-Na的作者,一件真实的礼物呢!在这么短的时间成功,你不仅是优秀得令人惊讶,同时很幸福地拥有父母的了解、创意、耐心和爱。书中描述你当Yo-Y o、妈妈当Na-Na玩耍的情形,有趣又感人。 当我们写Yo-Yo & Na- Na系列时,在脑海中主要的目标,是想让孩子从一开始就爱英语,而不是害怕它。因此,我们决定介绍、强调日常生活中有用的简单语言,鼓励孩子们因为使用它,能更自然地学习,而不只是学习和记忆。 就像是你所做的这个样子!在过去10年,我们听说了很多学习这个系列成功的孩子;但是Donald你实现了我们最终的梦想,成了英语的无冕王,我们感到如此骄傲。 你带给许多的老师、学生和父母们极大的鼓励、快乐和满足。你和爸爸妈妈证明了:第二语言英语的学习过程不是痛苦的,而是嬉笑欢乐交织而成的。 我们要告诉大家你的“美语生活家园”,希望其他人也将被你不可思议的成功所启发,并且从你的经验中学习。非常感谢你和我们一起分享你的奇妙的故事。 Yo-Yo & Na-Na的作者:Beat and Catherine