

http://www.sina.com.cn  2006年09月20日 11:48  新浪亲子  




  普恩女士出生于美国密苏里州的Brentwood,在西北大学获得生物学学士学位,在圣路易斯大学获得生物学/生物化学硕士学位,在波斯顿大学获得财务工商管理硕士学位。2004年,她被健康护理商会提名为年度最出色商业女杰。普恩女士是费城的Fox Chase癌症中心的董事会成员,并曾任新泽西州理工学院理事会成员。



  Christine Poon is a Vice Chairman of Johnson & Johnson, Worldwide Chairman, Medicines & Nutritionals, and a member of the Office of the Chairman. She serves as a member of the Company’s Executive Committee and has responsibility for all pharmaceutical, consumer pharmaceutical and nutritional business. Ms. Poon was elected to the Johnson & Johnson Board of Directors in April, 2005.

  Ms. Poon began her career with Johnson & Johnson in November, 2000, as Company Group Chairman, Pharmaceuticals. In August, 2001, she was promoted to the Executive Committee and named Worldwide Chairman, Pharmaceuticals, and a member of the Pharmaceuticals Group Operating Committee. Ms. Poon was appointed Worldwide Chairman, Medicines & Nutritionals, in October 2003.

  Prior to joining Johnson & Johnson in November, 2000, Ms. Poon spent 15 years at Bristol-Myers Squibb where her most recent position was President of International Medicines. Her career at Bristol-Myers Squibb included marketing and strategic planning positions. In 1990 she was named Vice President, Cardiovascular Strategic Product Planning, and she became Vice President and General Manager of Squibb Diagnostics in 1992. In 1994 she was named President and General Manager of the Canadian operation. She was named Vice President, then Senior Vice President for Canada and the Latin America Pharmaceutical Operations, and from 1997-1998 she was President of Medical Devices for Bristol-Myers Squibb.

  Born in Brentwood, Missouri, Ms. Poon received a bachelor's degree in biology from Northwestern University, a master's degree in biology/biochemistry from St. Louis University and an M.B.A. in finance from Boston University. In 2004 she was named Woman of the Year by the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association.

  Ms. Poon is on the Board of Directors of the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia and a past member of the Board of Trustees of the NJ Institute of Technology.

  Ms. Poon is married and resides in Princeton, NJ.

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