

http://www.sina.com.cn  2006年09月20日 11:58  新浪亲子  



  韦尔顿先生于1971年加入强生公司,在McNeil制药分公司的销售及市场部就职。1982年被派往南亚地区担任ICOM区域发展中心经理。1984年,他被任命为韩国McNeil 公司执行副总裁及总经理。随后在1986年被任命为英国Ortho-Cilag 制药公司总经理。1989年,韦尔顿先生担任扬森美国公司的副总裁,负责销售及市场方面的工作,并在1992年,担任Ethicon Endo-Surgery公司总裁。

  1995年韦尔顿先生被任命为Ethicon Endo-Surgery集团公司主席,这是一家强生公司的子公司,专门研发微创手术的新流程并开发相关产品的机构。1998年,韦尔顿先生被提名加入强生公司高级管理委员会,并担任强生制药集团全球主席。




  William C. Weldon is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Johnson & Johnson, the world’s most comprehensive and broadly based health care company. Mr. Weldon assumed his current responsibilities in April, 2002. Previously Mr. Weldon served as Worldwide Chairman, Pharmaceuticals Group, and a Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors. He was elected to the Board in February, 2001.

  Mr. Weldon joined Johnson & Johnson in 1971 in the sales and marketing department of its McNeil Pharmaceutical subsidiary. In 1982 he was named manager, ICOM Regional Development Center in Southeast Asia. Mr. Weldon was appointed executive vice president and managing director of Korea McNeil, Ltd., in 1984 and managing director of Ortho-Cilag Pharmaceutical, Ltd., in the U.K. in 1986. In 1989, he was named vice president of sales and marketing at Janssen Pharmaceutica in the U.S., and in 1992 he was appointed president of Ethicon Endo-Surgery.

  In 1995 Mr. Weldon was named a company group chairman of Johnson & Johnson and Worldwide Franchise Chairman of Ethicon Endo-Surgery, the Johnson & Johnson affiliate that develops new procedures for minimally-invasive surgery and designs related products. In 1998 Mr. Weldon was promoted to the Executive Committee and named Worldwide Chairman, Pharmaceuticals Group.

  Among his outside activities, Mr. Weldon is a member of the Board of Directors of JPMorgan Chase & Co. He became Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) in March, 2005. Mr. Weldon is a member of the Business Council and the Sullivan Commission on Diversity in the Health Professions Workforce. He also serves on the Liberty Science Center Chairman’s Advisory Council and as a member of the Board of Trustees for Quinnipiac University.

  Mr. Weldon was born in Brooklyn, NY, and is a graduate of Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut. He and his wife have two children and one grandson.

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