
第四节 被安多福全奖录取(3)

  ⒉ 学校的录取信件





  The Admission Committee of Phillips Academy acting upon the authority vested in it by the Trustees, Head of School and faculty, hereby offers admission to


  For the academic year 2004-2005. This certificate attests to the academy’s high regard for your character and academic promise

  Jane F. Fried (签名) Dean of Admission


  招生部主任Jane F. Fried签名)


  招生部主任Jane F. Fried给睿睿的信中洋溢着喜悦和满意之情:

  Dear Henry,

  Congratulations on your admission to the 227th entering class of PA.

  We are confident in your abilities as both a scholar and a community member. Your application and the recommendations of those who know you reveal your strong academic achievement, exemplary personal qualities and real promise. Henry, we were impressed not only by your National Physics Competition Prize but also by the motivation and determination you’ve demonstrated through out this application process. PA offer unparalleled opportunities both in and out of the classroom but depends upon students like you to maintain its reputation as an extraordinary school.

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