
第四节 被安多福全奖录取(5)




  因为我们在入学申请时提请学校给予资助,因此,校资助部主任 James F. Ventre(詹姆斯·F.文特)还专门给我们家长写了一封学校对睿睿资助决定的信:

  As announced on the enclosed certificate, it is our honor and pleasure to inform you that Henry has been selected as the recipient of an Endowment Scholarship for the duration of his attendance at Andover. Through the loyalty and generosity of alumni, friends and parents, Andover is able to provide Henry with a financial aid scholarship.

  Based on an assessment of the financial needs of your family, we are pleased to report that Andover has awarded a full financial aid scholarship grant of $31,160 for the 2004-05 academic year. ... Your financial aid scholarship included the full cost of tuition, mandatory fees, most additional expenses and travel.

  Andover will provide for transportation at the opening of school to bring Henry here, and at the end of the school year we will return Henry home. During winter and spring vacations, we will provide transportation to somewhere within the United States that is agreeable to both the Financial Aid Office and Henry. In addition, financial aid will supply a modest weekly stipend and cover fees related to health, technology, textbooks and other curriculum related items. You should plan to provide some spending money for everyday expenses. In particular, we expect you to provide funding for clothing, laundry, athletic equipment and an allowance as your family is accustomed. The decision to attend Andover is confirmed by returning the enclosed blue matriculation card and payment of non-refundable $250 enrollment deposit.

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