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  《麦加菲美德读本》 评论

  天 平 

















  The New Scales

  "Herbert, will you please peel my orange?" said Lucy. Herbert was reading his new book, but he put it down at once, and took the orange from his little sister。

  "Shall I make a pair of scales, Lucy, for you to use when you play store?"

  "Oh yes! But how can you do that'!"

  "I'll show you. First, we must take the peel off in two little cups, one just as large as the other. While I do this, see if you can find me two nice sticks about ten inches long."

  Lucy ran out to the woodhouse to find the sticks. —" Will these do?"

  "No, they are too hard. Find some pine sticks if you can."

  "Here are some."

  "These will do nicely. Now I must make a scale beam and a post. Can you find me a little block for a post, Lucy!"

  "Will a ribbon block do, Herbert?"

  "Yes, if it is not too thick."

  "Here is one an inch thick."

  "That will be just right. Now get the little gimlet."

  Herbert worked away until he had made the beam and the post. Then he made a hole in the middle of the block, and put the post in. Next, he put the beam into a little groove at the top of the post, so that it would balance nicely。

  "Now, Lucy, we must have a needle and some thread. We must put four threads to each cup; then we will tie the threads to the ends of the beam。

  "There, Lucy, what do you think of that?"

  "Why, Herbert, that is just as nice as the real scales in father's store; and you may have all my orange for making them."












  The Good Son

  There was once a jeweler, noted for many virtues. One day, the Jewish elders came to him to buy some diamonds, to put upon that part of the dress of their high priest, which the Bible calls an ephod。

  They told him what they wanted, and offered him a fair price for the diamonds. He replied that he could not let them see the jewels at that moment, and requested them to call again。

  As they wanted them without delay, and thought that the object of the jeweler was only to increase the price of the diamonds, the elders offered him twice, then three times, as much as they were worth. But he still refused, and they went away in very bad humor。

  Some hours after, he went to them, and placed before them the diamonds, for which they again offered him the last price they had named; but he said, "I will only accept the first one you offered to me this morning."

  "Why, then, did you not close with us at once?" asked they in surprise. "When you came," replied he, "my father had the key of the chest, in which the diamonds were kept, and as he was asleep, I should have been obliged to wake him to obtain them. "

  "At his age, a short hour of sleep does him a great deal of good; and for all the gold in the world, I would not be wanting in respect to my father, or take from him a single comfort."

  The elders, affected by these feeling words, spread their hands upon the jeweler's head, and said, "Thou shalt be blessed of Him who has said, 'Honor thy father and thy mother'; and thy children shall one day pay thee the same respect and love thou hast shown to thy father."

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