Dr. Karp is a pediatrician and child development specialist and assistant professor of pediatrics at UCLA. His landmark books and DVDs, The Happiest Baby on the Block and the Happiest Toddler on the Block are revolutionizing the way our culture understands the needs of young children. No wonder the NY Times hailed his work by proclaiming, “Roll over, Dr. Spock!”
The Happiest Baby presents his discovery of an infant’s “calming reflex” (an off-switch for crying) that quickly soothes any fussy baby and immediately adds 1-3 hours to a baby’s sleep. It is being used to promote good parenting as well as to help prevent child abuse, preventing postpartum depression and SIDS.
Over 2000 educators now teach Dr. Karp’s Happiest Baby classes to expectant and new parents in hundreds of hospitals and clinics across the country and beyond. His work is translated into 19 languages and has frequently been featured on Good Morning America, Dr. Phil, The View, New York Times, CNN, etc. He is also an expert on children's health and the environment and on breastfeeding. Dr. Karp and his wife and adult daughter reside in Los Angeles.
目前2000多名教育工作者正面向美国及国外数百家医院、诊所中的准父母及刚做了父母的年轻爸爸妈妈教授卡普博士的《宝宝不哭》系列课程。卡普博士的著作已被译成19国语言出版,并曾在“早安美国”、“菲尔博士”、“The View”等节目、纽约时报和CNN有线电视频道中重复播出。除此之外,卡普博士还是儿童健康与环境影响及母乳喂养方面的专家。卡普博士及其妻女现定居洛杉矶。
The Happiest Toddler teaches an extraordinary new way to speak to toddlers (9 m/o-5 y/o) that can immediately boost a young child’s patience and cooperation and can eliminate 50-90% of temper tantrums…in less than a week.